Hi! My name is Joanna Nurmi (family name: Kulbacka).

I worked in Big 4 companies and I am a former analyst in an asset management company in Luxembourg, and I understand the challenges that a high-pressure environment can bring. 

Stress, perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and burnout are common in modern society, yet they get downplayed as ‘problems of the rich.’ As a result, we often don’t want to talk about them as we do not want to be perceived as a person with First World problems. However, these issues affect our lives in a real way.

I’m happy to have a chance to do what I can to help people to find themselves again.

I’m currently based in Portugal, providing International Coaching in English.


For press interviews or articles, please contact press@joannanurmi.com

For other inquires, please email joanna@joannanurmi.com

Media and Event Bio

Short (40 words)

Joanna Nurmi, FCCA, CIA, is a chartered accountant turned Burnout Coach and speaker. Thanks to experience working in the Big 4 Companies and investment firms across Europe, she understands the  pressures and dilemmas professionals face every day. Learn more at www.joannanurmi.com

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